Thursday, March 20, 2008

Susan Beth's Growing Wordlist...


(1st declension - feminine unless marked (m.) for masculine.)
femina, ae - woman, wife
casa, ae - house
filia, ae - daughter
ursa, ae - bear
aqua, ae - water
mensa, ae - table
insula, ae - island
nauta, ae - (m.) sailor
poeta, ae - (m.) poet
incola, ae - (m.) settler
agricola, ae - (m.) farmer
luna, ae - moon
stella, ae - star
terra, ae - land, earth
magistra, ae - female teacher
discipula, ae - female student
puella, ae - girl

(2nd declension - masculine)
discipulus, i - male student
magister, magistri - male teacher
Deus, i - God
amīcus, i - friend
puer, pueri - boy
vir, viri - man


voco, vocare - to call
sto, stare - to stand
navigo, navigare - to sail
iuvo, iuvare - to help
do, dare - I give
clamo, clamare - I shout
creo, creare - I create
porto, portare - I carry
laboro, laborare - I work
laudō, laudare - I praise
cogitō, cogitare - I think
sum - I am


n (+abl.) - in, on
ab (+abl.) - from, away from
cum (+abl.) - with (accompaniment)
sine (+abl.) - without
e/ex (+abl.) - out of

Conjunctions and Adverbs:

et - and
non - not

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