Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Answer to Translation 5

Marcus, whose father was a farmer, used to work in the fields from day break until sunset. He gathered the grain which was carried to the city of Rome in carts. He often wanted to make this trip because he had not seen Rome.

Once his father said, "My son, because you have given me help for many days, I will take you with me to the city." When the grain was collected, they left the farmhouse. After five hours the father and his son were walking in the streets of the city. There they saw men who had come together from all the provinces.

On that day a famous general was coming in triumph with his soldiers through the Sacred Way. Great shouts of the citizens were heard because of his arrival. Marcus saw a slave who was holding a sword behind his back, and running toward the general. In a loud voice Marcus shouted, "Look, Romans! Catch that bad slave. He will kill our leader. I saw...!" But the slave was no longer there. He had fled!

Marcus was praised by everyone because he had saved the life of the general, and he received a large reward because of his courage.

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